Fan mail address:
Kenta Kobayashi New Japan Pro-Wrestling Co., Ltd. JR Tokyu Meguro Bldg. 16F 3-1-1 Kamiosaki Shinagawa-ku Tokyo-to 141-0021 Japan
Not an updated address? Please let us know! |
Address information:
New Japan Pro-Wrestling Co., Ltd. (Professional Wrestling Federation) JR Tokyu Meguro Bldg. 16F 3-1-1 Kamiosaki Shinagawa-ku Tokyo-to 141-0021 Japan Phone: +81 (0)3-6823-6290 Fax: +81 (0)120-13-3953 Official website Note: |
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How to send your fan mail and autograph requests to Kenta Kobayashi?:
If you want to request an autograph, follow the guidelines bellow. If you just want to mail a letter with the address above, and do not want anything back, then you can stop reading!
If you live in Japan send a properly stamped and self addressed envelope (minimum size 8.5" x 4") with your request letter and a photo.
You can include a piece of cardboard to keep the photo from bending in shipping and also add "Do Not Bend" on the envelopes.
Send your letter and wait. On average, there is going to be a 3+ month wait for a response.
If you do not live in Japan, add several* International Reply Coupons. The International Reply Coupons (IRC) will be used by the receiver to purchase japanese stamps. You can only get them at your post office. Place the IRCs into the envelope, not on it. For more information on reply coupons click here.
*For information on postage prices to receive a letter from Japan click here. |
Feedback received:
Hideo Itami NXT Wrestling success (Kenta Kobayashi) - February 27th, 2016 On the Today i received 2 autographs of wwe (nxt) wrestler Hideo Itami. He signs a Pro Wrestling NOAH promo Picture and a trading card for me.
Sent out: 1/18/16
received: 2/27/16
Hideo Itami
WWE Performance Center
5055 Forsyth Commerce Road
Suite 100
Orlando, FL 32807
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